Ride 23/03/2019 pt2

Distance 19.04 mi | Time 1:11:47 | Speed 15.9 mph | Elevation 1,427 ft

Source: Ride 23/03/2019 pt2

Out with the wrecking crew this morning mainly due to the weather being dangerous tomorrow with very high winds so I wanted a bit of a workout this morning. So I am suitably wrecked now and shattered as even today was a windy day and I was even leading the group for a little while. Unfortunately I stopped the garmin at the cafe stop and then hit the wrong button to start it up again and ended up saving the ride rather than continuing it which is why this ride is in 2 parts. I decided to take it easy going up knockhill as I was knackered by this point and it was nice not having to hammer it up the hill Next weeks Sunday ride will be the first club 100 mile ride so I’ll be taking it easy next weekend to make sure I get home still in once piece.

Source: Ride 23/03/2019 pt1


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