So my ride for yesterday went out the window when it snowed and then froze last night which is very annoying. So the only thing left to do was get the mountain bike out that I haven’t ridden in like 2 years probably and hope it was still in working order, I only needed to get 6 miles! Anyhow it still worked and I kept the ride short to only do about 10 miles, the weather is clear for now but there was still snow on the roads which is only going to get worst tonight as we have heavy snow storms predicted. Feels weird riding the mountain bike after so long, all the wrong positions I’m in compared to the road bike. Anyway 11 miles clocked up and I break the 4000 miles mark yeah Total millage for 2020 is 4007 miles and no cycling for the next week as I suspect I’m going to be snowed in for a while…