Cyclists are a freckle bunch, one minute there is no one out due to if’y weather and then when the sun comes out, they all turn up So it’s a sunny day, still cold, not much wind but we did have a head wind to start with and a tail wind to finish with. 16 people turned up today which is a lot for a Sunday, even in the summer time I don’t always see that many on a Sunday. Given the size we had to split into 2 groups of 8 heading out to the cafe. The usual coffee and cake at the cafe stop before we headed home, it was nice to have the tail wind assist as it speeds the group up a little bit. I headed back home via the coastal route of Dalgety bay and did a little bit extra before heading back up hill to Crossgates. So 58 miles clocked up at just under 17 mph avg speed.