Ride 02/11/2024

Ride 02/11/2024

Well after last Sunday’s fiasco where my Aerobic system decided to take a nose dive of a cliff resulting me having to abandon the ride and take a few days off cycling, I’m back on the bike. Today’s bun run weather wise was damp and overcast but thankfully not raining or windy at all. 30 of us turned up for the ride and I joined the first group with some trepidation given my current condition, hoping they don’t go too fast for me 😬 With us now in November we were all on our winter bikes with mud guards, just as well as some of the roads were wet and muddy. With 10 of us in the first group heading for the cafe stop I took a turn early on in the ride as, a) it’s mostly down hill 😄 and b) with me up front I missed all the mud in my face from any rider in front of me 😆 The usual beverage and fuel were had at the cafe stop and the route we decided on taking home was to head for Milnathort and Cowdenbeath. This is a slightly longer route but does skip out Knockhill, not that I mind the hills, it’s just right now I have to take my time going up them. Anyway with another stint on the front going through Kinross I made it home in one piece. Surprisingly I still managed to avg 17 for the 53 miles that I did, probably due to the flatter route but I’ll take that and see how tomorrow turns out 😉

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