Ride 01/02/2025

Ride 01/02/2025

I didn’t count how many were on the bun run today and I even forgot to post last Sundays ride altogether 😣 So starting with the new month at an educated guess there were over 20 of us at the start of the ride and as per usual I joined the first faster group heading on the usual route to our cafe stop. Weather wise it was dry but cold, couple of degrees above freezing but not windy, so a decent day to cycle. 11 of us in the first group doing a decent pace to the cafe stop at Sterling Mills. I had my new regular meal of orange juice and a hash brown and square sausage roll with brown sauce 😊 The scramble egg roll has to be cooked whilst I wait and the roll they use makes it soggy 🥺 so not having to wait for my meal and getting a “solid” roll was the better option. Afterwards we took the usual route home up to Yetts and doing the full knockhill climb from Powmill, I pretty much lead the whole way with only Colin and Joe in tow 😉 So 47 miles clocked up at an avg speed of just under 17 mph 👍

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