Ride 08/02/2025

Ride 08/02/2025

20+ of us on the bun run today and weather wise it was quite the mixed bag of a little bit of wind, rain, sunshine and snow 😐 quite frankly the weather didn’t know what it was doing. Anyway I joined the first faster group as per usual on our way to the cafe stop, it was here we got the sunshine and tailwind. After my usual roll with hash browns and sausage and orange juice we headed back home the normal route where we were hit with the wind and rain, it wasn’t raining hard or a lot but enough to be irritating. It was at the point of going over Knockhill that that rain became sleet and snow 🙁 my saving grace was I was going hard over Knockhill so I didn’t get too cold or wet and by the time I had got over it, it had stopped snowing or raining and we got the sun back 🤷‍♂️ Anyhow 47 miles clocked up at an avg speed of 16 mph.

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