Ride 16/02/2025

Ride 16/02/2025

14 of us on the bun run today and weather wise it’s better than yesterday, still damp, cold and overcast but a bit warmer than yesterday and in the last 30 mins of cycling we actually got some sunshine. Quite a mixed group of talent in the group today so we started as a single group but didn’t end that way. We were fine until we got down to Dollar when a few decided to do a sprint to the cafe stop at Tillicoultry. I missed the boat here but was able to stay in the second group that set off after the first group, hard going though 🥵 Anyway at the cafe stop it was the usual coffee and cake before we headed back but this time we split the group into 2 making for a much more manageable ride home. So 50 miles clocked up at just under 17 mph and no incidents this time 😀

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