Ride 01/03/2025

Ride 01/03/2025

I didn’t count how many were on the bun run today but enough for 3 groups 😄 Weather wise it’s overcast, chilly, a little windy but dry. I set out in the first group of 8 doing the usual fast pace, I was 17.5 mph avg by the time we got to the cafe stop and it only got faster after that 😅 Usual beverage and food were had at Sterling Mills cafe and once finished we decided to do a little bit extra today by skipping out Knockhill and heading for Milnathort, Kinross and Kelty instead. We pretty much hammered it from Dollar to Milnathort resulting in my avg speed increasing to 18.5 mph 😳 thankfully I had come prepared with some extra fuel so I was actually ok by the time we got there. Anyway we calmed down a bit on our way to Kinross and Kelty and by the time I got back to Dunfermline I was on my own so I did a little bit more by heading down to Duloch and then back up to Crossgates. So overall I rode 57 miles at just shy of 18 mph avg speed and got home in time to miss the rain that eventually came 😁

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